March 29, 2012
As ridiculous, frantic, emo and sometimes untrue as my past posts may be, I feel I need to keep them as a reminder of the places I have been and the places I never wish to be again.

March 8, 2012
.teen dream.
I'm smoking your old cigarette butts like a junkie, pondering old habits never dying. Tonight I promise myself I will let go. Always tomorrow I expire. Beliefs and morals are instilled in us at a young age, we have no choice, how do we shed those ideas that were once taught to us that no longer or may never have applied.

February 29, 2012
I wake up at the same time in the night as i did in my haunted room thus proving my room probably wasn't haunted, I am.

June 25, 2011
.dearest girl.
Stop getting drunk and listening to Elliot Smith and pining for a non existent persistent love.

May 26, 2011
Today I cried because I am so happy. I have decided to go back to school. I have quit smoking and Facebook for 2 weeks now. I am biking and eating well. I feel amazing.I am walking down the path, picking flowers on the way. I love my life!

May 5, 2011
.sweet spring.

Sweet spring,
Flower and bud,
The merry stream,
Sparkling babble,
Green bloom,
Delightful dew,
Refreshing brook

Where did you leave all these..

.thursdays are effort days.
Sittin' in my living room listening to lounge covers of popular songs, pina colada's and gettin' caught in the rain, I am now into yoga and I have more than half a brain. SCHOOL!
May 1, 2011
.words i want to live by.
"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none."
— William Shakespeare (All's Well That Ends Well)
April 28, 2011
.sweet beats baby,

I have unrolled a map
onto my kitchen table
and put one finger
where you are and
another where I am.

The space between
is only inches. That close,
I could feel you breathing.
I could reach out and
run my fingers through
every strand of your hair,
touch your lips and
barely need to move.

In the corner of the map
there is a guide for judging scale:
every inch a hundred miles
full of roads and rivers and trees,
the guide a sharp reminder
that you are where you are
and I am where I am,
inches apart.

This poem © Gabriel Gadfly.
This image © Alie Ward.
April 22, 2011
.feeling terror bull.
I am in love with amazing man and letting my insecurities get the best of me. I'm going to ruin everything. It's bubbling up inside of me just waiting to surface.