May 28, 2010
.there is nothing like a well synced youtube video.
Thank you to my dear boy Nolan for showing me this piece of gold.

May 26, 2010
.the final countdown.
5 days left in the "country" and it is truly bittersweet. I have had some great times with my close friends and some rough times personally. In the end I feel sad to leave but also relived to start fresh once again. I have learned more about who i am and who I want to be, though it was hard I try never to regret anything I've done. Everything that a person experiences in life makes them who they are, but it depends on what you do with those experiences, my goal now is to always choose to take positive aspects and move on. It is hard to let things go but sometimes it is for the best. Appreciate every wisp of wind and every blooming flower as if you will never see it again. If you don't have your back who does? I realize I sound like a mishmash of lame motivational posters but I am super happy with my current direction.

Btw I really liked Richard Scarry and Little Golden Books when I was a kid. This one was my favorite:

And speaking of motivational posters:

May 18, 2010
.5 a.m is the bain of my existence.
Rockabilly Riot. We made money. $200 to be exact. I bought a new QWERTY phone for texty. I'm excited about it. Goodbye piece of shit cellular telephone machine. Tattoo Festival this weekend!!! Wishing I had enough money to get some work done. Last weekend in Halifax before the move. I canceled the ride share, I got a creepy vibe. Too good to be true. So I am taking the train. After I told the dude I didn't need a ride, he asked if I still wanted to meet, I think I made the right decision. Successful weekend on all fronts. The product photo shoot went great, thanks to Melanie Titus Photography and Tasha Tonks. Here is one of the lovely photos.

May 10, 2010
.tax evasion mondays.

So I finally have a day off today and plan on sleeping in until noon when I am abruptly awakened by the scream of a chainsaw at 9 a.m. My parents are keeners and decided to cut their wood for next year AT 9 a.m! Sigh. At least I'm up and moving towards a productive day doing 6 years worth of taxes, creating new hair accessory designs and pining enormously over the vintage pumps I had been waiting for eons to arrive which of course are too fucking small. 3 more weeks til Montreal! Unfortunately I will be residing a little further out than I realized. Only for a few months hopefully.

May 6, 2010
.busy bee.

Fringe has another Gig at this months Rockabilly Riot selling Hair Embellishments. Also the next day we have a photo shoot for the product. How exciting! We now have a Facebook group with over 80 fans already! Hopefully business will be booming as we will not be competing with the Fetish Ball this month.

I have lots going on before I head to the city of dreams. I have my weekend pass lined up for the Maritime Tattoo Festival. I'm working at a Healthy Lifestyles convention type thing for the bakery. I have to sell my bike.

I'm fairly certain I have a rideshare for $30 to Montreal. If this person isn't super sketch. I will be meeting them for coffee within the week to determine if I want to be trapped in a car for 18 hours, but $30 is unheard of. I have a cellphone and a jack knife. My mother has informed me that she will be writing down the license plate number.

I have almost secured a job in my chosen field, that of which I went to college for. If this happens it will allow me to stay in the city that I love, be around the people I love, while doing what I love for a living and finally having my own apartment for the very first time ever. Please say that it is my turn for karma, universe.

Loving life.