You're lookin' mighty skinny. Those glasses are shitty. That bitch ain't pretty.
Read back through our msn history for hours of uncontrolled giggles, I do it sometimes.
PS remember the time my email history was published on Google?
The best movie I have seen in a very long time recommended by the biggest movie buff I have met in a very long time : Black Swan
The holidays were the best I've had for a long time. My brother was home from France. We ate good food, spent time together with the family and slept much. My favorite gift was a novella my brother had printed for each of us. The front cover is a my very favorite photo of him and the book contains his poetry and short stories. Most of the poems are very well written but slightly dark thus far. I am so very proud of him, he has grown into the person I have always tried to inspire him to be.
I have been overwhelmed with things to write about and therefore have written nothing.
I am very excited and nervous about my trip to Montreal that is coming up in a few weeks. I am downloading music, movies and TV series in preparation for the 48 total hours I will be on a train. It will all be worth it to see his face and a little of hers on the side.
I can't help but fantasize about summer to get me through these cold bleak winter days. The beach, tubing, burns, camping, possible blues festival and maybe a few other welcomed surprises.