April 21, 2010
.death by cardio.
So I went to a "Boot Camp" class at the local YMCA. My co worker goes and talked me into it, said it was fun and thought I would enjoy it.

It was my first time working out at a gym, keep in mind I was a smoker up until about 5 days ago, and I could eat much better than I do.

Long story short, I almost passed out. This class was crazy intense and of course I over worked myself to the max due to my extreme competitive nature, Definitely not for beginners such as myself.

It was ridiculously embarrassing to have the ATTRACTIVE MALE INSTRUCTOR have to lay me down on a mat and elevate my feet in hopes that I would not go unconscious on his watch. I was literally seeing stars and spots and couldn't breathe. I wanted to run out of there and never show my face again.

It was a wake up call of sorts. I am now jogging to get into shape, trying to eat better and quitting smoking.

Two songs that really pumped me up while I was running :


ALSO! I was noticing all of the Red Breasted Robin's about today and Rockin' Robin popped up on my iPod. It made me happy smile happy and I danced with Simba when I got home from my run.

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